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As a urologist specializing in men’s sexual health, I am asked all kinds of questions about testosterone levels—who needs to have them checked, when to check, and how often—including questions about my own T levels! Often, the inquiry will come from a patient who wants to get a better baseline for their test results, or someone deciding whether to test their T levels at all. Regardless, patients always meet me with a look of shock when I respond, “I don’t know my T levels.”

Here’s the thing: Unless you are experiencing persistent symptoms of low T, you really don’t need to know your testosterone levels, because there’s no need to change them. Some men get caught up in concern when they do get tested and the number isn’t what they expected.

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It’s important to recognize that these numbers fluctuate, and are often a reflection of what is going on in your life. For example, eating well, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight can all help increase or preserve your T levels, whereas if you’ve recently gained 10 pounds, haven’t made it to the gym in a while, and sit behind a computer all day, it’s natural that levels would be down and, as a result, you may be feeling sluggish or notice a decrease in sex drive.

Of course, there are reasons to get your testosterone levels checked. For example, if you are experiencing persistent symptoms of sexual dysfunction—meaning you have a noticeable, lasting dip in libido or sexual desire, or sustained erectile dysfunction lasting six months or more—getting tested makes a lot of sense, and is encouraged.

Short of that, however, it is perfectly normal that your T levels would fluctuate from month to month, and it is no cause for concern. Testosterone levels can even change meaningfully from one day to the next. That is why comprehensive testosterone tests collect two samples from two consecutive days. (I’m a medical advisor for this one, and it requires you to take two at-home blood samples.)

I’m comfortable not knowing my testosterone levels, because I don’t currently have the symptoms that would warrant a test. And I’d encourage others to do the same. Test when appropriate; otherwise, focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Headshot of Seth Cohen MD
Seth Cohen MD

Seth Cohen, MD is a urologist specializing in male sexual and reproductive health in New York City. He’s an assistant professor in the department of urology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and is and medical advisor for Ro.